May is nearing to its end, and what’s better than a short retrospective on such an occasion? Well, a discount code, perhaps. No worries then, we’ll get to it later. But for now, let’s begin with highlighting a couple of our updates.
We shall begin with a big photo-reference pack of a small being. Please, meet Lilly, a girl of 8 years, and all 347 images of her. Now we’re cooking! We’ve taken her photo in different clothes and from every angle. You’ll create a realistic 3D character with these in no time.

Maybe these aren’t the photos you’re looking for. Move along, then, to our next category – the animal kingdom. Therefore our next highlight goes for a 4-legged mammal. In Latin, we call it hyaena hyaena, which is a striped hyena (surprisingly).
Use 207 images of 5760×4040 px to create the beast in all its beauty.

And that’s it. We hope we haven’t forgotten anything. And as we’ve promised, the code. How about a 25% discount for any 3-month premium membership at Here you go!