It’s a privilege of men. It may look sloppy or magnificent. For some, it’s a sign of laziness; for others, it’s pride. It comes in many different lengths and shapes.
We are talking about facial hair, of course.
From short stubble to rare mutton chops to majestic bandholz, they all have their name. For a brief illustration:

Or really do they all have names? Because there are beards and mustaches so unique, only the Life itself could think of them.
Our database of people from the streets has hundreds of odd characters. These are the TOP 5 men with the most impressive (or bizarre) facial hair. They are in no particular order, alright? It isn’t a competition, after all.

We begin with a fellow, who, in a way, looks like an old martial arts master. A significant role in this impression plays his eccentric mustache. HERE you can find more.

Similar to Imperial style. Only the mustache isn’t waxed as it should be. Still, for a homeless guy, it’s quite a grand grooming. More photos HERE.

Now, this is a ‘stache! He looks like your friendly walrus from an old cartoon, doesn’t he? Look HERE for more.

This man’s bandholz is rather bushy. Then again, he might be on his way to a barber. The beard certainly deserves it. Try HERE for more from the set.

And the last, but not the least, a man, whose eyebrows seem to be part of his beard. Just look more closely. Jump HERE, if you want to see more.
Well, that’s about it. Let’s wrap it up. Five men. Five styles. Five contenders for a clean shave. (But we won’t blame them if they don’t get one.)
Oh, and by the way. Visit our website for more unusual characters from the streets. Click the button below.